About Lixite

About Lixite

Lister Group
Lixitte Group was founded in June 1979, is a diversified group of companies mainly leather, the Group headquarters is located in the old coast of Wenzhou Ouhai - Ouhai Quxi town, covers an area of 150,000 square meters, A...
  • Lianyungang United Leather Co., Ltd.
    Founded InAugust 2005
  • Zhejiang Juli Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
    Founded InMay 1999
  • LianYunGang United Cable Co., Ltd.
    Founded InJune 2017
  • Social Responsibility

    Social Responsibility

    Lister Group has not forgotten as a corporate citizen's social responsibility To "public welfare" as a sustainable business to operate
    • · Social responsibility
    • · Donated to the disaster areas in Sichuan
    • · Donate to Ouhai District "Rainbow Action"
    • · Round University dream
    • · Honor certificate
    • · Honor certificate
    • · Ouhai philanthropy outstanding contribution award

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